Environmental Hazards


Environmental hazards are the negative effects of the Mother Nature towards us humans. These hazards have unrecoverable negative effects on humans which can be disastrous and deathly. Main reason for environmental hazards to occur are those activities of human beings that cause damage to the surrounding environment and thereby adversely affecting the nature. One would name hazards as the natural disasters which occur, another would say the reason for hazards are the pollutions caused by man, while another would say the main reason is the various gas and chemicals emitting out of companies and equipment’s used by mankind. However, scientifically a hazard is defined as a combination of all these factors. These little factors then effect the world as a whole in large.

Reasons for environmental hazards.

It is always right to state that the uproot or the emergence of environmental hazards began during the 18th century. This is when modern technology crept into the world and thereby started destroying the natural environment. One cannot blame the other for being a cause of theses hazards. it begins from our own house. For example, taking a modern day’s house there are various equipment’s, gadgets, and machines that helps pollute the environment. The things that would strike a person’s mind when purchasing a house is to check about the alarm systems of the house, check if there has been reliable air conditioning installation Brisbane Northside, and to see if there are proper gas systems. Have anyone wondered that the gas or the air emitting out of these gas systems, fridges, and air conditions can also be hazardous. However, more damage to the air or the atmosphere we live in is also caused due to the various nuclear experiments and scientific experiments run by several powerful countries in the world.

How to prevent environmental hazards?

It is of grave importance for us to take proper measures to prevent these environmental hazards. If these keeps happening, the destruction of mankind will not be of long. We need to take the first step from the smallest unit, which is our house hold. It is necessary to get rid of the old refrigerators which produce harmful gas and get a new eco-friendly refrigerator. Air conditioner repairs must be done at least once every three months to make sure that it is in good condition and does not emit any toxic gases to the environments.

The government should also take necessary steps to encourage people to get the vehicle emission test done, companies’ emission tests done and ban those highly effecting substances or charge them with special licensing charges.